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Interaction Design

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Cooking lovers came together to build an app to help reinforce cooking skill-sets for busy people that want to cook at home.

Article by Matt Lillis
Share:Case study: An educational cooking app
6 min read

A UX Design Case Study on Bumble BFF and making friends during a pandemic

Article by MacKenzie Legg
Share:Case Study: Adding pandemic-friendly features to a friendship app
9 min read

Learn how to design to change a mind. This article covers 3 conditioning techniques designers use to influence behavior. Use with caution.

Article by Andrew Coyle
Share:3 techniques to influence user behavior
2 min read

Parking apps manage inventory, unlock gates and process payments. When it works, you forget they’re even there.

Article by Jeff Link
Share:For Digital Payments, The Best UX Is Forgettable
6 min read

Experience Principles are a powerful way to shape and steer a brand’s expression. They allow better, more relevant and coherent experiences along the entire user journey.

Article by Andreas Fachner
Share:Writing Great Experience Principles – 5 Tips
3 min read

Micro-interactions provide feedback by users know the status of an interaction, like a loading bar. Helping users see real-time results give a sense of control.

Article by Samantha Wolhuter
Share:Micro-interactions in UX: The art of subtlety
5 min read

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