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Interaction Design

MFA Interaction Design at the School of Visual Arts paves the way for more thoughtful future designers. 

Article by Brooke Viegut
The Next Generation of Design is Inclusive
  • The article explores the MFA Interaction Design program at the School of Visual Arts, focusing on its emphasis on inclusive design principles and the impact of its innovative curriculum.
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5 min read

Why does everything look the same?

Article by Michael F. Buckley
Media Overload is Causing Design “Generification”
  • The article explores the impact of streaming media on contemporary design, arguing that the proliferation of personalized content has eroded a shared cultural experience, contributing to a perceived decline in design originality and character.
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4 min read
Article by Rich Nadworny
What do designers do? Survey results from Sweden.
  • The article discusses the results of a survey conducted by the Design Leadership Community in Stockholm, revealing that many designers still primarily focus on visual creation rather than extensive user interaction in their day-to-day work.
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6 min read

I’ve never felt more seen in my life.

Article by Rosie Hoggmascall
Analyzing Spotify’s new day list feature: UI, UX, and great ML
  • The article delves into the introduction of Spotify’s “daylist” feature, explaining its impact on content discovery, user engagement, and self-awareness of music preferences.

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8 min read

Recent history gives us a powerful and definitive reason for hope

Article by Alberto Romero
Why AI Can’t Make Human Creativity Obsolete
  • The article explores the paradox of AI-driven obsolescence of human creativity.
  • It discusses why the fear that AI will make human creativity obsolete is unfounded, highlighting that humans inherently prefer human creations, imperfections and all, over AI-generated perfection.
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7 min read
Why AI Can't Make Human Creativity Obsolete
Striking the right balance between inspiration and innovation might be hard. Let’s explore how to effectively get inspiration from others without losing that magic spark, including some do’s and don’ts along the way.
Article by Peter Ramsey
Copying Designs Doesn’t Work, And Here’s Why
  • The author speculates on the right balance between drawing inspiration from existing designs and creating original work and provides some do’s and don’ts of implementing inspiration.
  • Copying another’s design may result in losing the key elements that make it work, making it difficult to replicate the original experience.
  • Designers can use inspiration as a starting point rather than a destination to fuel creativity.
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6 min read

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