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Being a successful mobile designer requires an evolved understanding of how people use their devices, a robust toolkit, and the flexibility to adapt to new technology.

Article by Sergio Nouvel
Share:What Does it Take to be a Mobile Designer Today?
9 min read

A closer look at the results in the Bringing Order to Big Data category of the international Design for Experience awards, featuring the winner: Roambi.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Making Mountains of Data Rewarding to Roam
7 min read

A look at ten recent innovations that have made the experience of using an automobile much more rewarding.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:Top Ten Automotive UX Successes
7 min read

As the line between digital and non-digital experiences continues to dissolve, a look at some of our recent articles suggests ways designers can remain in-step.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:We’re Living in an Experience Economy, Design Accordingly
3 min read

Choosing a metaphor that helps us identify a brand’s character can provide a launching point for creating an effective customer journey.

Article by Tom Schneider
Share:Creating a Customer Ecosystem Using Brand Experience Metaphors
3 min read

By adapting to automation trends, developers and designers will have no trouble staying relevant in the era of self-service design.

Article by Rameet Chawla
Share:The Self-Service Web Design Movement and its Implications for Web Designers
3 min read

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