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Understanding the user-centered goals driving product design will help developers add extra value as the software development process continues to evolve.

Article by Arijit Banerjee
Share:For Developers, a Little UX can Go a Long Way
4 min read

Following cues from cognitive science can help you create information dashboards that users can process reliably and quickly.

Article by Shilpi Choudhury
Share:Four Cognitive Design Guidelines for Effective Information Dashboards
4 min read

An idea for an app that delivers fresh lobster and crab to the Bay Area is realized at ProtoHack, a code-free prototyping hackathon.

Article by Russell Bongard
Share:Just a Prototype Away from Fame and Fortune
4 min read

Products like Google Chromecast are creating new pathways for user-friendly connections between televisions and Internet content.

Article by Jeroen Wijering
Share:The Future Of Web TV
5 min read

UX experts Aaron Gustafson, Steve Portigal, and Whitney Quesenbery discuss the evolution, sophistication, and occasional creepiness for voice-recognition technology.

Article by Mary Jean Babic
Share:QuickPanel: Voice
8 min read

Content needs to be packaged and designed in the same compelling ways that products are in order for users to respond to its directives.

Article by Scott Hutcheson
Share:Content Isn’t King, Content Is a Product
7 min read

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