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Design Theory

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How do you know if there’s still room for improvement?

Article by Sol Mesz
Law of diminishing returns, design and decision making
How do you know if there is still room for improvement in the experiences you design?
  • The law of diminishing returns, a widely used concept in Economics that shows the relationship between investment (time, money, resources) and benefits can help Designers, UXers and Product Owners/Managers make better design, product and business decisions.
  • The Law of Diminishing returns is a bell curve:
    • Section 1 – curving upwards: is the fastest growing part of the curve, which means that efforts invested provide a more than proportional return.
    • Section 2 – leveling off: along this part of the curve we still see returns on our investment, and will keep decreasing as we approach section 3, as the curve becomes less and less steep.
    • Section 3 – curving downwards: here the slope starts to go down, meaning that our efforts stop having positive returns. This means it doesn’t make sense to keep investing (effort, resources, etc.).
  • Knowing how this curve works and where in the curve your problem lies is key so you don’t invest effort into something that doesn’t make sense to optimize. 

Read the full article to learn more about the different ways that the law of diminishing returns can be applied to design problems.

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5 min read

How can we use design to prioritize human interaction and spend less time on our screens?

Article by Tyler Berg
Staying Human in the Age of Big Tech
  • It’s important to evaluate tech’s continued development with a critical eye and define what overreach is and isn’t. UX designers have to use a human-first mindset in their work.
  • Users should be given control of how much screen time or application experience they want to consume. However, many services don’t give that choice using addictive technologies like endless newsfeed or autoplay.
  • When adopting technology to new mediums, it’s vital that we keep two things in mind. One: Are we creating technology for technology’s sake? And two: how does this impact current societal habits?
  • We need to consider the nuances of everyday life and consider the physical and digital realities for how the designs we create are used.
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6 min read

In this article, we’ll look at how some top SaaS companies deflect user cancellations and keep churn rates in the green.

Article by Benjamin Brandall
Share:10 cancellation flow examples and why they work
14 min read

Nowadays, companies succeed by embracing innovation for positive change, problem-solving, collaboration, and creativity, like they were forced to do during the COVID-19.

Article by Maddy Beard
Share:Moving from a Sales-First to a User-First Design Approach
6 min read

Learn how to design to change a mind. This article covers 3 conditioning techniques designers use to influence behavior. Use with caution.

Article by Andrew Coyle
Share:3 techniques to influence user behavior
2 min read

Parking apps manage inventory, unlock gates and process payments. When it works, you forget they’re even there.

Article by Jeff Link
Share:For Digital Payments, The Best UX Is Forgettable
6 min read

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