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The personality types presented by Eastern and Western astrology don’t offer full-blooded user profiles, but they can be a good place to start a research session.

Article by Tracy Brown
Share:What’s Your Sign? The everyday personas in the stars
6 min read

Displaying search results in a way that rewards users requires a consistent approach, balancing detail and diversity.

Article by Tony Russell-Rose
Share:Designing Search: Displaying Results
7 min read

Creating content in a “workshop” environment inspires the creativity that result-oriented interfaces stifle.

Article by Anastasios Karafillis
Share:When Creativity Applications Hamper Creativity
7 min read

As the complexity and quantity of user data multiply, it’s up to designers to create experiences that make the most of it.

Article by Jason Napolitano
Share:Designing Better Experiences Through Data
6 min read

Effective digital content is an honest and adaptive reflection of an organization’s human core.

Article by Kate Kiefer Lee
Share:Vulnerable Branding: Keeping your company’s voice honest
7 min read

Photos have the power to make or break a users’ experience—make sure they are communicating your message properly.

Article by James Chudley
Share:Evaluating the Usability of Web Photos
7 min read

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