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When iOS stopped supporting Adobe Flash back in 2010, significant cross-platform audio and video rendering issues surfaced that remain with us today.

Article by Pete Mackie
Share:Many Forks in a New Road: The UX Hell of Cross-Platform Content Viewing
8 min read

The rise of mobile technology has made traditional websites obsolete and the winning designs of the future will be immersive experiences with rich narratives.

Article by Chuck Longanecker
Share:The Future of Web Design is in Our Hands
7 min read

An experimental project for DrupalCon Portland becomes an opportunity to create a whimsical and useful event app that users will still remember after the conference ends.

Article by Beth Burghardt
Share:Hey, Event Apps: Why So Serious?
5 min read

When it comes to privacy issues, you need to build trust with users—here are seven actions that engender transparency and control.

Article by Ilana Westerman
Share:7 Actions that Earn User Trust
6 min read

The best UIs get out of the way and let the experience shine—clear design standards make such interface designs possible.

Article by Mike Maass
Share:Design Standards Let the Interface Disappear Behind the Experience
6 min read

The “big ideas” of the Mad Men era need to be integrated into the overall customer experience by modern agencies.

Article by Tom Schneider
Share:The Incredible Shrinking Big Idea: How does CX impact your agency in the age of omni-channel marketing?
4 min read

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