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Content and Copy

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There are many pitfalls that can sink a user’s experience with a website, here are five of the worst.

Article by Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D.
Share:The Five Worst UX Mistakes Websites Make
6 min read

Crafting compelling and valuable copy requires infusing the brand’s voice with a human tone that users respond to.

Article by John Caldwell
Share:When and Where to “Woohoo”
6 min read

NBA coach Phil Jackson earned his teams 11 championship wins using leadership techniques that are applicable to user-centered design projects.

Article by Jamal Jackson
Share:Lead Your UX Team like Phil Jackson
6 min read

The unique interface features and horizontal navigation of Windows 8 present a wealth of challenges and opportunities to designers.

Article by Konstantinos Drachtidis
Share:User Interface: Windows 8 Style
4 min read

Taking stock of your content’s punch and relevance to users reveals pathways to rewarding interactions.

Article by Lindy Roux
Share:Putting Your Content to Work: A user-centric approach to evaluation
4 min read

As primal creatures, human beings long for acceptance and status, which can be given to us through good user experience design.

Article by Nir Eyal
Share:Designing to Reward our Tribal Sides
6 min read

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