3 human-driven decision-making competencies that every industry needs.
Article by Brandeis Marshall
What’s UnAI-able
- The author suggests AI systems, tools, and platforms are projected to disrupt and transform various industries, potentially displacing millions of jobs worldwide by 2030.
- However, there are certain actions, tasks, and skills that cannot be digitized or automated, such as:
- contextual awareness;
- conflict resolution;
- critical thinking.
- Jobs that involve a blend of these human-driven decision-making competencies are likely to evolve rather than disappear, requiring professionals to shift their competence.
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- June 15, 2023
4 min read
- Design, Design Theory, Internal Company Systems and Intranets, The rise of design, UX Magazine, UX World Changing Ideas, Visual Design
The importance of a formalized methodology in behavioral design.
Article by Ignacio Parietti
Design Products That Drive Behaviors: The Role of a Formalized Methodology
- The article discusses the importance of a formalized methodology in behavioral design to create products that drive specific behaviors in users and outlines the “Behavioral Design Models” approach as a structured framework for achieving this.
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- June 13, 2023
3 min read
- Artificial Intelligence, Conversational Design, Design, Design Theory, Things UX People Like, UX Magazine
Personalization, engagement, and efficiency—discover how AI and ML are shaping the future of UX design and revolutionizing user experiences.
Article by Ali Abdu
The Future of UX Design: How AI and Machine Learning Are Changing the Way We Design
- The article cover how AI and ML transform UX design with the following 3 points:
- Personalization.
- Engagement.
- Efficiency.
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- June 8, 2023
4 min read
- Artificial Intelligence, Design, The rise of design, Things UX People Like, UX Education, UX Magazine, UX World Changing Ideas
Embracing the Balance: Nurturing Humanity in an AI-Driven World. Depending on who you ask, AI is either empowerment or a means to take your job. I fall into the former camp, empowerment, and here’s why.
Article by Chris Kernaghan
Amidst All The AI Hype, Remember The Human Touch
- The article emphasizes the importance of maintaining human connection and empathy in an AI-driven world.
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- June 6, 2023
4 min read
- Employee Experience, Enterprise Products, Project Management, Strategy, Team Dynamics, Technology
Embrace the digital revolution and unlock the potential of your workforce.
Article by Kamales Lardi
Digital Culture In Organizations Shaping Behavior
- The article explains why companies that prioritize digital culture during transformation initiatives report:
- sustained strong or breakthrough performance;
- empowering employees;
- attracting talent;
- preparing leadership to manage digitally-savvy employees.
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- June 1, 2023
5 min read
- Technology, UX Education, UX Magazine, UX World Changing Ideas
A fresh perspective on the pace of change.
Article by Rich Nadworny
We Live In Precedented Times
- The author challenges the idea that the current pace of change is unprecedented by comparing it to historical periods of transformation.
- The author suggests focusing on present challenges and appreciating past advancements, rather than fixating on the concept of unprecedented times.
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- May 30, 2023
4 min read