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Information Design and Architecture

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We’d like your help in figuring out how to leverage our magazine’s influence to the benefit of the UX community.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:We Need to Talk
2 min read

The unique interface features and horizontal navigation of Windows 8 present a wealth of challenges and opportunities to designers.

Article by Konstantinos Drachtidis
Share:User Interface: Windows 8 Style
4 min read

There’s no sure thing when hiring for user-centered design roles, but you can take steps to improve your odds of finding a winner.

Article by Greg Zapar
Share:Improve Your Odds when Hiring for UX
7 min read

Taking stock of your content’s punch and relevance to users reveals pathways to rewarding interactions.

Article by Lindy Roux
Share:Putting Your Content to Work: A user-centric approach to evaluation
4 min read

Storyboarding can strengthen the user experience elements of your designs, and software for building prototypes from those sketches can be an invaluable tool.

Article by Ambrose Little
Share:Storyboarding in the Software Design Process
8 min read

Help users make the most of the instruction manual that comes with a product by taking a user-centric approach to writing it.

Article by Anastasios Karafillis
Share:Improving User Experience in Manuals
8 min read

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