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Information Design and Architecture

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There are many pitfalls that can sink a user’s experience with a website, here are five of the worst.

Article by Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D.
Share:The Five Worst UX Mistakes Websites Make
6 min read

Keeping user-centered designs simple can be extraordinarily complicated, so staying focused is key.

Article by Jay Selway
Share:The Complexity of Simplicity
5 min read

An effective voice user interface requires solid error mitigation and the ability to actively demonstrate the capabilities of your design.

Article by Andrew Wagner
Share:Two Major Challenges with Speech-Recognition Technology
5 min read

A home where appliances are speaking to each other and collecting usage data is fertile ground for user-centered research and design.

Article by
Share:Home Automation: The next frontier for UX?
5 min read

Potent lessons in improving user-centered designs from an unlikely source: Laura Dern.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:Five User Experience Lessons from Laura Dern
8 min read

Often mocked and misunderstood, when created with diligence and integrity, personas are an extremely valuable design tool.

Article by Kyra Edeker, Jan Moorman
Share:Love, Hate, and Empathy: Why We Still Need Personas
6 min read

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