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The technical problems with Healthcare.gov have been widely discussed, but there are usability issues to consider as well.

Article by Alok Jain
Share:DOA? Diagnosing the UX Flaws of Obamacare
6 min read

Designing apps for users in a healthcare setting, requires an understanding of the emotional states of patients and doctors.

Article by Lorraine Chapman
Share:Accounting for Emotion in Heathcare Experience Design
7 min read

A closer look at the Design for Experience awards category: Experience that Makes a Difference

Article by UX Magazine Staff, Design for Experience
Share:Design for Experience: Experience that Makes a Difference
2 min read

A closer look at the Design for Experience awards category: Public Sector

Article by UX Magazine Staff, Design for Experience
Share:Design for Experience: Public Sector
2 min read

A closer look at the Design for Experience awards category: Acessibility

Article by UX Magazine Staff, Design for Experience
Share:Design for Experience: Accessibility
2 min read

As mobile continues to dominate experience design discussions, it’s time to dispel some common misconceptions about its use and stature.

Article by Linda Matthews
Share:Six Mobile Myths
11 min read

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