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Our understanding of time is dependent on the lens we use, and data visualizations can provide a set of lenses for viewing time from different perspectives.

Article by Hunter Whitney
Share:It’s About Time
8 min read

In the wake of a new implementation of brain-computer interface headgear, we asked three UX Magazine contributors about the trajectory of wearable technology.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Wear Are We?
5 min read

A closer look at the results in the Mobile Solution or Application category of the international Design for Experience awards, featuring the winner: we are experience.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:The Power of Service-Oriented Mobile Design
8 min read

A closer look at the results in the Bringing Order to Big Data category of the international Design for Experience awards, featuring the winner: Roambi.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Making Mountains of Data Rewarding to Roam
7 min read

UX experts Jason CranfordTeague, Sarah Horton, and Debra Gelman discuss accessibility issues and solutions relating to dyslexia.

Article by Mary Jean Babic
Share:QuickPanel: Dyslexia
9 min read

A closer look at the results in the Accessibility category of the international Design for Experience awards, featuring the winner: Tobii EyeMobile.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:Tobii EyeMobile Takes Eye Tracking Technology to New Heights
6 min read

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