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Designing for the Baby Boom generation requires an understanding of their unique fears, capabilities, and desires.

Article by Suzie Mitchell
Share:Romancing the Boomer
6 min read

How the traits of persuasive technology can make learning Ruby more engaging for students.

Article by Anu Ramaswamy, Aakash Dharmadhikari
Share:Learning Programming by Persuasion
6 min read

Potent lessons in improving user-centered designs from an unlikely source: Laura Dern.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:Five User Experience Lessons from Laura Dern
8 min read

Calling the future of mobile “bright” is an understatement: the possibilities are endless, provided designers keep users at the center.

Article by Joanna Proulx
Share:Designing for Mobile Superpower
6 min read

Over the past two decades, Bentley University has been charting and propelling the evolution of UX design.

Article by Dr. William Gribbons
Share:The Four Waves of User-Centered Design
6 min read

Especially in the realms of government and health insurance, in order to succeed, websites must use design to cultivate trust with their users.

Article by Ilana Westerman
Share:Designing to Build Trust
7 min read

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