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Here they are! The winners of the 2014 international Design for Experience awards.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Announcing Winners in the 2014 Design for Experience Awards
10 min read

A refreshing, simplified design language that encourages interaction and implies depth, Google’s Material Design could change the face of experience design.

Article by Jordan Crone
Share:Why This Apple Guy Believes in Google’s Material Design
3 min read

In an excerpt from his new book, Well Designed, Jon Kolko outlines a powerful design process.

Article by Jon Kolko
Share:From Design Thinking to Design Doing
7 min read

Global brands have local audiences and need to balance the demands of localization with the need for consistency in their content.

Article by Rhiannon Jones
Share:Writing English for Global Audiences
5 min read

The DoGo map is a lightweight, scalable information architecture tool that provides a high-level understanding of the information architecture of a site.

Article by Rob Keefer
Share:Adapting Information Architecture for Lean and Agile Environments with DoGo Mapping
7 min read

You can get free book from Rosenfeld Media when recommend someone for a Design for Experience award.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Get a Free Book from Rosenfeld Media and the Design for Experience Awards
2 min read

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