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Mike Fisher, Andy Polaine, and Indi Young on broken airport experiences.

Article by Mary Jean Babic
Share:QuickPanel: Air Travel
8 min read

As we opt-in to giving more and more of our selves over to technology, we risk trading dignity for convenience.

Article by Bryan Goodpaster
Share:The Hubris and Humility of Opting In
7 min read

A study of the UNICEF and Red Cross websites finds that a well-designed experience encourages users to behave more charitably.

Article by Danica Ralston
Share:The Positive Impact of Good UX on Non-Profits
7 min read

A look at what 2014 might have in store for users and experience design practitioners.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:The Top UX Predictions for 2014
15 min read

A learning initiative between Harvard and MIT, edX is creating an open-source learning platform with Google that’s poised to change the experience of higher learning.

Article by Livia Veneziano
Share:In Search of Knowledge: MOOC.org Will Change the Experience of Learning
5 min read

A closer look at the Design for Experience awards category: Experience that Makes a Difference

Article by UX Magazine Staff, Design for Experience
Share:Design for Experience: Experience that Makes a Difference
2 min read

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