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Generative AI

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Since personal computing’s inception in the 80s, we’ve shifted from command-line to graphical user interfaces. The recent advent of conversational AI has reversed the ‘locus of control’: computers can now understand and respond in natural language. It’s shaping the future of UX.

Article by Jurgen Gravestein
How Conversational AI Is Shaping The Future of UX 
  • The article discusses the transformative impact of conversational AI on UX design, emphasizing the need for user-centric approaches and the emerging societal changes driven by AI technology.
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3 min read

ChatGPT can identify and describe human emotions in hypothetical scenarios.

Article by Marlynn Wei
ChatGPT Outperforms Humans in Emotional Awareness Test
  • New research found ChatGPT was able to outperform humans on an emotional awareness test.
  • Emotional awareness is the cognitive ability to conceptualize one’s own and others’ emotions.
  • Given the psychological risks of artificial intimacy, AI augmentation, and human-AI collaboration—keeping humans in the loop—will be a safer and more beneficial approach for now.
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3 min read

Users attribute human-like qualities to chatbots, anthropomorphizing the AI in four distinct ways — from basic courtesy to seeing AI as companions.

Article by Sarah Gibbons
The 4 Degrees of Anthropomorphism of Generative AI
  • The article delves into a qualitative usability study of ChatGPT, uncovering degrees of AI anthropomorphism in user behaviors.
  • The authors identify four levels — Courtesy, Reinforcement, Roleplay, and Companionship — providing insights into how users interact with and perceive generative AI.

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8 min read

New ML models emerge hourly but this fast pace comes with drawbacks; hypothesis-driven development can help to mitigate those.

Article by Benjamin Thurer
The Inflation of AI: Is More Always Better?
  • The article challenges the need for the rapid growth of AI and ML models, highlighting risks and advocating for hypothesis-driven development to ensure meaningful contributions, enhance quality, and foster innovation in the AI community.
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7 min read

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