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UX Magazine contributors give us their picks for the trends—both good and bad—that impacted experience design in 2014.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:The Top UX Trends of 2014
11 min read

Creating interfaces that reward your users and your employees is challenging work that can yield beautiful results and boost your bottom line.

Article by Pavel Kostychev
Share:Designing a UI to Generate Real Business Value
7 min read

A review of several layer- and code-based prototyping tools highlights opportunities to gain more control over your mobile prototypes.

Article by Bona Kim
Share:Comparing Popular Layer-Based and Code-Based Prototyping Tools
8 min read

The winners of our How to Transform Your Ideas into Software Products giveaway share their favorite products that differentiate through design.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:What Does Design that Differentiates Look Like?
3 min read

Card decks are an enduring tool with the power to transform digital and physical experiences by helping designers reorganize their thoughts and inspiring new interfaces

Article by Stephanie Gioia
Share:Card Decks: Tactile Tools for Pattern Finders, Integrative Thinkers, and Inspiration Seekers
4 min read

The winners of our Drawing Ideas giveaway use sketches to imagine hypothetical uses for wearables.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:The Future of Wearable Technology in Pictures
3 min read

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