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Direct Observation Research

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Two-minute surveys are a quick and flexible tool you can use to include all of your business users and all of your market in your user research.

Article by Dmitri Khanine
Share:Two-Minute Interviews
9 min read

Whether users conceptualize the content as a “paper” document, “website,” or “electronic” document with assumed capabilities is a critical UX inquiry.

Article by Sarah Martin
Share:Priming the Electronic Prototype
6 min read

When users are accustomed to using a pattern, even a minor change in that pattern can be very expensive in performance terms.

Article by Shay Ben-Barak
Share:The Price Of Not Using UX Patterns
6 min read

Prototyping facilitates rapid iteration and fail-fast (and learn-fast) experimentation, and helps the whole product team push technical limits.

Article by Heather Daggett
Share:Hi-Fi Prototyping
6 min read

Modal dialogs have become a ubiquitous feature of mobile web design, but designers need to put more thought into when to use them, and when to leave them out.

Article by Chris Wigley
Share:Modals on Mobile: How to use them wisely
5 min read

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