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Customer Experience

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I believe that we can become more impactful designers by listening to stories deeply and telling them strategically in all activities of the design process.

Article by Ashley Bernard
Share:How to Tell Stories Everywhere in Your Design Process
3 min read

The lack of cultural competence in conversational AI is a direct correlation to the inherent bias within it’s development.

Article by Louis Byrd
Share:Tech Inclusion: How culture may enhance conversational AI technology
6 min read

Labelling humans as something as simple as a “user” reduces human beings with complex thoughts, behaviours and actions to single heads interacting with a product.

Article by Allie Jehle
Share:Why I hate the U-word
3 min read

With over 40 million users, Venmo has mastered being an application that allows people to easily make payments and requests. However, it lacks group functionality.

Article by Selene Vitela
Share:UI/UX case study: How can Venmo streamline group payments?
4 min read

A disability is a phenomenon reflecting the interaction between features of a person’s body and features of the society in which he or she lives.

Article by Karthikeyan Malaisamy
Share:Accessibility and inclusion in UX for Product Managers
4 min read
Accessibility in Product Management_ArticleImage

As it stands today, consumption of content is at an all-time high, and it’s on its way upwards.

Article by Kriti Krishan
Share:Bingewatch Culture: Netflix, UX and the slow demise of moderation
7 min read

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