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Customer Experience

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It’s a tricky time to be marketing for sure. Smart businesses are currently tailoring their marketing activities to prioritise the retainment of customers.

Article by Holly Formosa
Share:Top Tips for Retaining Customers Under Lockdown
5 min read

There are 1.2 Billion teenagers in the world! And this generation of teenagers grew up in a time when technology had already become mainstream.

Article by Kristina Arezina
Share:What Teenagers Expect from Your Chatbot
4 min read

Inclusivity is everywhere, and it is of utmost importance today. With every person wanting to feel included and appreciated, digital users want to feel welcome as well.

Article by Kriti Krishan
Share:7 Reasons Your Website Needs to be Accessibility Compliant in 2020
4 min read

Users are strongly influenced by the aesthetics of any given interface, even when they try to evaluate the system’s underlying functionality.

Article by Abhishek Chakraborty
Share:The Aesthetic-Usability Effect: Why beautiful-looking products are preferred over usable-but-not-beautiful ones.
4 min read

Conversations are bound to psychology. Here are 7 principles for getting started with conversational desgin.

Article by Linus Ekenstam
Share:7 Principles of Conversational Design
8 min read

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