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Keeping the right balance when applying customization and personalization in product design is vital. Here are some techniques on how to achieve it.

Article by Mariia Kasym
How Much Personalization Is Enough in UX Design?
  • Personalization and customization are effective UX approaches that aid users in avoiding undesired content, but they can also cause new challenges.
  • The author covers the main drawbacks of excessive personalization and customization:
    • Lack of diversity;
    • Content redundancy;
    • “Creepy effect” of personalization;
    • Cognitive overload caused by overcustomization.
  • There are several practices, recommended by the author, that prevent overpersonalization and overcustomization:
    • Finding the right balance to maintain content diversity;
    • Using caution when handling potentially sensitive information;
    • Providing users with control when it is relevant;
    • Taking advantage of user feedback.
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10 min read

Banking and finance have dwelled in an ivory tower throughout their history.

Article by Adam Fard
Fintech UX Design Trends for 2023
  • Many banks are implementing innovative solutions to make the user experience not only effective but also fun.
  • The article covers the following fintech-driven trends:
    • gamification;
    • product identity;
    • centralization;
    • fully mobile banking;
    • social banking;
    • data visualization;
    • human language.
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5 min read

Delivering an outstanding user experience for your customers has become a challenge for organizations in recent years. A customer experience involves much more than excellent quality or service.

Article by Ali Abdu
How Your Brand Experience Affects The User Experience
  • While excellent quality or service is important, a strong connection between a brand and a user ensures the best experience possible.
  • Branding is vital for a number of reasons:
    • it creates a feeling of trust;
    • it helps a customer to make a decision when comparing products from different companies.
  • There are various UX factors that are highly influenced by branding:
    • the logo and company colors;
    • the branding style;
    • the details of design.
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4 min read

Here are the top 10 most-read UX Magazine articles in Q4 of 2022. This collection of articles was read, shared, and discussed the most.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
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2 min read
A case study on how Booking.com leveled up its UX through trial and error.
Article by Noa Barbiro
Introducing Voice Search Experience at Booking.com
  • The author demonstrates the showcase of introducing a voice search experience at one of the global online travel companies – Booking.com.
  • The article leads us through every stage of shipping a product using machine learning and a new UX and interaction:
    • A product discovery process for user requirements led to the initial step in creating conversational interaction and prioritizing MVP features.
    • After that, the team matched the list of software and algorithmic parts to either already-existing or yet-to-be-built capabilities.
    • The next step is to establish a taxonomy of relevant user journeys and intents (actions we should support and map to the appropriate app screens and inputs).
    • The design and initial interface for the app’s home screen were created as the final step to enable users to conduct any post-booking or search action using voice commands.
  • There is always room for improvement when introducing an innovative experience. Constant work in research and development is a key to a smoother and more individualized experience through a better understanding of intents.
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7 min read
Introducing Voice Search Experience at Booking.com

The I in AI.

Article by Max Louwerse
How Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence Are Intertwined
  • If we want to understand the mechanisms behind AI, cognitive science might come to the rescue.
  • Artificial intelligence and cognitive science have surprising similarities.
  • AI focuses on artificial minds with human minds as an example.
  • Cognitive science focuses on human minds with artificial minds as an example.
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4 min read
How Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence Are Intertwined

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