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Behavioral Science

I’ve never felt more seen in my life.

Article by Rosie Hoggmascall
Analyzing Spotify’s new day list feature: UI, UX, and great ML
  • The article delves into the introduction of Spotify’s “daylist” feature, explaining its impact on content discovery, user engagement, and self-awareness of music preferences.

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8 min read

Recent history gives us a powerful and definitive reason for hope

Article by Alberto Romero
Why AI Can’t Make Human Creativity Obsolete
  • The article explores the paradox of AI-driven obsolescence of human creativity.
  • It discusses why the fear that AI will make human creativity obsolete is unfounded, highlighting that humans inherently prefer human creations, imperfections and all, over AI-generated perfection.
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7 min read
Why AI Can't Make Human Creativity Obsolete

The evolution of notification strategies in digital apps.

Article by Pourav Raj
The Power of Thoughtful Notifications in Apps: Less is More!
  • The article explores the evolution of notification strategies in digital apps, focusing on industry leaders like Meta (formerly Facebook) and their shift toward sending fewer, more relevant notifications.
  • The author underlines the significance of striking a balance in notification design and creating personalized, user-centric app experiences.
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2 min read
The Power of Thoughtful Notifications in Apps: Less is More!

A Conversation with Marina Zhukova, PhD Student at UCSB and OneReach.ai Academic Fellow.

Article by Marina Zhukova
AI as a Research Participant: Tips, Tools, and Techniques 
  • The article discusses the research into how emojis influence online communication, conducted using GPT-3.5 Turbo, and highlights the findings and challenges in incorporating AI into studies.
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6 min read

How I combat my job insecurities through storytelling and collaboration.

Article by Chris Kernaghan
Fatigue and the Designer
  • The article explores the issue of burnout and fatigue among UX designers and suggests strategies, including effective storytelling and self-care, to combat these challenges and create a more positive work environment.
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5 min read

The opposite direction is the right one.

Article by Marcelo Brum
Behavioral Design: What Is It? And Why Should You Learn To Apply It?
  • The article introduces the concept of Behavioral Design, emphasizing the importance of understanding cognitive biases and delivering value to all parties involved in the user experience.
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4 min read

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