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Agile and Iterative Process

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Potent lessons in improving user-centered designs from an unlikely source: Laura Dern.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:Five User Experience Lessons from Laura Dern
8 min read

Storyboarding can strengthen the user experience elements of your designs, and software for building prototypes from those sketches can be an invaluable tool.

Article by Ambrose Little
Share:Storyboarding in the Software Design Process
8 min read

A look at 8 trends in technology that will affect the way we design for user experience in 2013.

Article by THE MEME
Share:Eight UX Design Trends for 2013
5 min read

Successful user experience efforts require more than just investment—they also need proper implementation.

Article by Hilary Little
Share:4 Reasons Your UX Investment Isn’t Paying Off
5 min read

Tools employed by a mighty Russian acting coach can also can also be used to ease clients into an empathetic state.

Article by Tracy Brown
Share:Stanislavski and the Reluctant Stakeholder
7 min read

The nine steps to a voice user interface design with rewarding user experience.

Article by Stephen Keller
Share:Process Makes Perfect: Speech Recognition User Interface Design
7 min read

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