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An ultimate guide to conversational UX (CUX). Conversational UX principles.

Article by Sudarshan Sahu
Conversational Design
  • The author defines “conversational UX as a user experience that combines chat, voice or any other natural language-based technology to mimic a human conversation.”
  • The author looks at the following conversational UX Principles:
    •  Affordances
    • Signifiers
    • Feedback
  • Conversational user interface & principles:
    • Cooperative Principle (discover hidden intentions)
    • Turn-Taking (give users a space to interact)
    • Context-aware (in context / out of context)
  • While designing virtual assistants, the author suggests taking two things into consideration:
    1. How to set user expectations and educate users about what their assistants can do
    2. How to help these users
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8 min read
Conversational Design

Why It’s Time to Leave UX Laws Behind

Article by Thomas Jaffe
I Want to Break Free
  • In today’s frenetic technological age, there is less room for creativity and the one-size-fits-all approach often prevails when it comes to design.
  • Although automation has numerous benefits, it also over-relies on UX laws and decreases the eagerness to experiment. This, in turn, hinders innovation and promotes a restrictive UX approach that seeks to “trap” users.
  • UX/UI specialists have the power to reshift the focus in the current UX trends to foster creativity and give users more freedom.
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Frame 1 UX Laws Behind

Most people find managing their money to be nerve-wracking. This is one of the steepest hurdles that businesses need to overcome when creating a finance app.

Article by Adam Fard
Share:Finance App Design: 5 UX Challenges When Building a Fintech App
5 min read

What are the trends that product innovators and product designers need to look out for in the coming year? Let’s take a firm look.

Article by Ather Nawaz
Share:These are the UI/UX trends you need to keep an eye out for in 2021
5 min read

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