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Václav Krejčí, creator of the viral video “Was iOS 7 created in Microsoft Word,” has written a book about Word as an instructional design tool.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:If You Replace all the Planks, is it Still the Same Ship? A review of “7 Best Text Effects in Microsoft Word”
3 min read

The desire to do work for grassroots startups leads a successful agency to the question: “What if we offered a condensed version of our process?”

Article by Kevin Menzie
Share:Rapid Prototyping for Early Stage Start-Ups
3 min read

Coin, a smart credit card that promises to eliminate wallet-bulge, is an idea so smart it might help itself become obsolete.

Article by Elias Parker
Share:Coin Builds a Bridge, Can it Cross the Divide?
3 min read

A learning initiative between Harvard and MIT, edX is creating an open-source learning platform with Google that’s poised to change the experience of higher learning.

Article by Livia Veneziano
Share:In Search of Knowledge: MOOC.org Will Change the Experience of Learning
5 min read

Join us on a video tour of Drawing Ideas: A hand-drawn approach for better design, the new book by Mark Baskinger and William Bardel.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Flipping Through Drawing Ideas
1 min read

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