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Looking at personas, goals, and scenarios relative to the characters, plot, and objectives of a novel or movie can help designers avoid self-referential thinking.

Article by Shlomo Goltz
Share:Persona Power
5 min read

While controversial among freelancers, white-labeling your services to a company can open you up to a whole new world of opportunity.

Article by Cory Lebson
Share:Go Ahead, White-Label Your Services
8 min read

As new technology allows increased connectivity between devices and consumer products, there are more opportunities to gain market value through disruptive innovation.

Article by Avi Itzkovitch
Share:Disruptive IoT Innovation
5 min read

In an excerpt from her new book Design for Kids, Debra Levin Gelman looks at how the relationship between children and technology has changed over the last three decades.

Article by Debra Levin Gelman
Share:Designing for Kids, Then and Now
5 min read

A closer look at results in the Experience for Children category of the international Design for Experience awards, featuring the winner: Night Zookeeper.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:Giving Kids Digital Experiences They Can Really Use
6 min read

Modifying Jeff Gothelf’s proto-persona process reveals another method of working with clients to establish executive alignment on target users.

Article by Brent Summers
Share:Revisiting Proto-Personas for Executive Alignment
6 min read

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