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The Business of UX

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The best and most effective use and impact for many people is to incorporate design thinking techniques into their day jobs.

Article by Anish Joshi
Share:The Tipping Point: Who is best placed to do strategic design?
6 min read

“Oh, so you make things look pretty?” Years of misconception and we continue to clarify what it is we do.

Article by Olga V. Perfilieva
Share:Beyond Making Things Look Pretty: The Role of a Product Designer
4 min read

None of the routes into Design Management are easy, and a lot of them require being in the right place at the right time.

Article by Andy Budd
Share:Transitioning to Design Management is Hard, Risky and Requires a Lot of Luck
5 min read

Are you a designer? It might be the case that you are not sure what to call yourself, or that you have difficulty explaining to others just what you do.

Article by Nick Groeneveld
Share:You’re (just) a designer
6 min read

If Facebook can target ads based on your recent Google search history, shouldn’t the DMV be able to figure out that you’ve moved to a new address?

Article by Jen Baird, Jonathan Alcabes
Share:How can Federal decision-makers use Conversational AI to improve Customer Experience?
5 min read

“The rise in hiring conversational designers seems to be happening at a much faster clip than when companies started hiring internal UXers 10 years ago”

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Why This UX Role Will Grow Fastest In 2020
5 min read
ConversationalDesign2020_Article Image

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