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Research Methods and Techniques

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Taking on unpaid research and design projects can be a great way to bolster your resume and reinvigorate yourself.

Article by Cory Lebson
Share:UX Adventure: Enhance your resume, improve your career potential, and feel the excitement!
7 min read

Speech-recognition apps require specialized testing methods that can be applied to other interfaces as well.

Article by Stephen Keller
Share:Testing Dialog Design in a Speech Application
6 min read

The RITE Method can be an effective way to integrate user testing and iteration for fast and fluid design.

Article by Jenny Shirey, Quynh Nguyen, Ann Charng
Share:The RITE Way to Prototype
4 min read

Pulling top user-centered design talent away from the coasts is challenging, but it can be done using the right approach.

Article by Kyle Murphy
Share:A Midwesterner’s Guide to Recruiting UX Designers
6 min read

What “location, location, location” is to real estate, “context, context, context” is to user-centered design.

Article by Stephen Powers, Ron Rogowski
Share:Contextualization is the Key to Delivering Powerful, Personalized Digital Experiences
4 min read

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