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Research Methods and Techniques

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There’s no sure thing when hiring for user-centered design roles, but you can take steps to improve your odds of finding a winner.

Article by Greg Zapar
Share:Improve Your Odds when Hiring for UX
7 min read

Taking stock of your content’s punch and relevance to users reveals pathways to rewarding interactions.

Article by Lindy Roux
Share:Putting Your Content to Work: A user-centric approach to evaluation
4 min read

Storyboarding can strengthen the user experience elements of your designs, and software for building prototypes from those sketches can be an invaluable tool.

Article by Ambrose Little
Share:Storyboarding in the Software Design Process
8 min read

A digital wedding planning design project with Martha Stewart Living demonstrates the power of taking UX research to the next level.

Article by Rebecca Flavin
Share:Sharpening Your Competitive Edge with UX Research
4 min read

Over the past two decades, Bentley University has been charting and propelling the evolution of UX design.

Article by Dr. William Gribbons
Share:The Four Waves of User-Centered Design
6 min read

Where user experience in cars is concerned, there are distinct advantages and disadvantages to moving systems to the cloud.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:The Cloud is Hazy for Automotive UX
6 min read

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