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Research Methods and Techniques

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Playful exercises with metaphor can draw new insights out of piles of research data.

Article by Cyd Harrell, Jodi Leo
Share:Metaphorical Analysis
13 min read

Like a healthy marriage, combining UX and agile methodologies requires communication, understanding, and compromise.

Article by Michael Lai
Share:UX and Agile: Tying the knot
6 min read

Impressed with its development opportunities and unique UI, Macadamian chose to devote a quarter of its workforce to the BlackBerry 10 OS.

Article by Meaghan Reinecke, Scott Plewes
Share:Banking on BlackBerry 10
6 min read

Creating rewarding employee experiences requires in-depth research that digs up the roots of discontent.

Article by Liana Dragoman
Share:To Dwell Is To Garden
9 min read

User acceptance testing for mobile poses an array of challenges—here are some hard-won lessons on doing it right.

Article by Tania Lang
Share:Eight Lessons in Mobile Usability Testing
9 min read

Photos have the power to make or break a users’ experience—make sure they are communicating your message properly.

Article by James Chudley
Share:Evaluating the Usability of Web Photos
7 min read

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