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Research Methods and Techniques

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Stripping away some of the mysticism and pretense surrounding user experience design.

Article by Joseph Dickerson
Share:The Greatest Secrets of UX Revealed!
6 min read

Solid information strategy moves users over the learning curve and through a rewarding experience with your product or service.

Article by Linda Newman Lior
Share:Creating a Successful Information Experience for Your Users
6 min read

Setting clear expectations, minimizing distractions, and eliminating pages can boost the checkout experience.

Article by Toby Biddle
Share:Shopping Cart Usability
4 min read

A vice president overseeing all aspects of user experience can help organize the UX team and advocate its value to the rest of the company.

Article by Wayne Neale
Share:Why You Should Hire a VP of User Experience Design
4 min read

The personality types presented by Eastern and Western astrology don’t offer full-blooded user profiles, but they can be a good place to start a research session.

Article by Tracy Brown
Share:What’s Your Sign? The everyday personas in the stars
6 min read

Having trouble explaining the value of user experience to stakeholders? Let Jim Carrey help.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:Five User Experience Lessons from Jim Carrey
8 min read

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