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Research Methods and Techniques

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When it comes to privacy issues, you need to build trust with users—here are seven actions that engender transparency and control.

Article by Ilana Westerman
Share:7 Actions that Earn User Trust
6 min read

He learned the hard way so you don’t have to: how not to manage a user experience design project.

Article by Joseph Dickerson
Share:How (Not) To Manage A UX Project
5 min read

Helping clients understand that UX is a holistic process, not a single action, can benefit everyone working on a project.

Article by Tim R. Todish
Share:UX Is Not A Verb
4 min read

Looking at UX management from a military perspective reveals a need for both tactical and strategic leadership roles.

Article by John McGloon
Share:The Strategic and Tactical Aspects of UX Leadership
5 min read

Slots and other electronic gambling machines often employ dark design patterns that encourage users to spend and play more without stopping or burning out.

Article by Marc Miquel
Share:Dark UX: The Elements of The Video Gambling Experience
6 min read

Many of the tools in your UX kit can be put to work in customer experience, which looks at how customers perceive every interaction with a company.

Article by Kerry Bodine
Share:A Deep Dive Into Customer Experience
6 min read

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