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Research Methods and Techniques

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Taking your user research out of the usability lab and into the field can give you better insights, educate your client, and energize your team.

Article by James Chudley
Share:Get out of the Lab and into the Real World
7 min read

When employed to its full potential, field research done in unique user environments can uncover opportunities to innovate customer experience.

Article by Jessica Weber, John Cheng
Share:Making the Most of Ethnographic Research
7 min read

While the complexity of modern systems can make designing for perfection a futile process, embracing the inherent messiness of digital design can forge better solutions.

Article by Steven Hoober
Share:An Introduction to Designing for Imperfection
10 min read

Companies of all sizes are paying closer attention to customer experience elements in their digital offerings—here are some ways to maximize the ROI.

Article by Adele Sage
Share:How to Get the Most from Digital Customer Experience Investments
3 min read

An excerpt from Leah Buley’s new book, The User Experience Team of One, describes how to put together a modest but powerful strategy workshop.

Article by Leah Buley
Share:Book Excerpt: The User Experience Team of One
7 min read

An experimental project for DrupalCon Portland becomes an opportunity to create a whimsical and useful event app that users will still remember after the conference ends.

Article by Beth Burghardt
Share:Hey, Event Apps: Why So Serious?
5 min read

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