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LinkedIn is on a clear mission to make professionals more successful by connecting the global workforce and as we learned — diversity and success go hand in hand.

Article by Julia Kornmann
Share:Mentorship Match — How a simple LinkedIn feature can boost diversity
5 min read

There’s a ton of noise, promises and exaggerations flying around. Here’s a breakdown of the sixteen conversational AI platforms in Gartner’s 2019 Market Guide.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:A Six-Minute Breakdown of Gartner’s Top Conversational AI Platforms
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All the winners have been chosen! Take a look.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Announcing Winners of the 2016 UX Magazine Awards!
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Using the abilities from both design and development teams provides a certain edge that is impossible without collaboration.

Article by Tatyana Khamdamova
Share:The Relationship Between Designers and Developers
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We talk with UserZoom CEO Alfonso de la Nuez about the importance of user testing, how to recruit panelists, and why research is an inspiration.

Article by Gigi Peccolo
Share:In Conversation with Alfonso de la Nuez
6 min read

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