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Product design

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As UX designers, we are largely ignoring one of the most fundamental ways that humans are taught to interact with the world: via conversation.

Article by Danny McCabe
Share:Conversational Design — applying it to all types of interfaces.
13 min read

During my first week at Ironhack’s UX/UI Design Bootcamp, we jumped right into our first UX design project — Wicked Problems.

Article by Delawit Assefa
Share:Immigration: A Wicked Problem
10 min read

Today’s customers are more demanding and less forgiving than ever before. 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain and 91% of those will simply leave and never come back.

Article by Mohan Krishnaraj
Share:Stop guessing! Decipher your customer intent with touch point analysis.
3 min read

LinkedIn is on a clear mission to make professionals more successful by connecting the global workforce and as we learned — diversity and success go hand in hand.

Article by Julia Kornmann
Share:Mentorship Match — How a simple LinkedIn feature can boost diversity
5 min read

Transformation has to be driven by everybody, not just by climate groups, and we have a responsibility to use our influence to drive this.

Article by Katie O’ Connor
Share:Using UX Design to Build a Sustainable Future
5 min read

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