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Article by Charles Adjovu
Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs)
  • Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are interfaces for recording and processing neurological data and turning these data into an output.
  • Neurodata can be directly recorded, e.g., by a BCI, or indirectly recorded, e.g., an individual’s spinal cord.
  • There are particular privacy risks associated with BCIs that might need the following solutions:
    1. Encryption
    2. Local-first software
    3. Separation of data and compute (or edge computing)
    4. Access control layer
    5. Data cooperative
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3 min read

Everything but numbers — defining qualities to evaluate progress in project development, designing new ways to evaluate how it responds to the assigned values and the purpose — a response to business plan assessments from a Strategic Design perspective

Article by Christian Schneider
The Development Matrix

The author presents his approach to planning and progress evaluation in project development from a strategic design perspective. Some key pieces of advice:

  • Don’t underestimate the power of observation during the research stage, even if it’s hard to convey its value to stakeholders.
  • Building a “development matrix” might help to define desired outcomes and the worst-case scenario. A “development matrix”:
    • helps to define a spectrum of possible outcomes to assess how key functions performed
    • makes it easier to improve the product at different stages and take into consideration both functional and emotional expectation
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6 min read

Cooking lovers came together to build an app to help reinforce cooking skill-sets for busy people that want to cook at home.

Article by Matt Lillis
Share:Case study: An educational cooking app
6 min read

The future of UX, CX, and EX are entwined in one big X … get ready.

Article by Josh Tyson
It’s All About Experience

UX Magazine has been at the forefront of experience design for more than 20 years. In that time, the very notion of UX has changed significantly. What was once the purview of a group of niche designers lobbying for a seat at the table with other business concerns, UX now exists at the intersection of customer experience management, employee experience, and the broader management of business and technology.

As technology continues to become more sophisticated and pervasive, experience design is something everyone should be thinking about. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the move toward digital being the primary interface point between most consumers and businesses—a move that was already underway with advanced hyperautomation and AI-powered conversational interfaces becoming viable solutions. As we enter into the era of what Gartner calls “total experience” it’s the fundamental tenets of user-centered design that will best serve organizations and users of every stripe (both internal and external). We look forward to continuing our reporting from these frontlines.

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5 min read

To achieve a profitable and growing business, you need happy customers. However, all too often, the voice of the customer gets lost in the process.

Article by Leticia Cervantes
Share:Keeping the Voice of the Customer Front and Center
5 min read

Most people find managing their money to be nerve-wracking. This is one of the steepest hurdles that businesses need to overcome when creating a finance app.

Article by Adam Fard
Share:Finance App Design: 5 UX Challenges When Building a Fintech App
5 min read

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