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“Oh, so you make things look pretty?” Years of misconception and we continue to clarify what it is we do.

Article by Olga V. Perfilieva
Share:Beyond Making Things Look Pretty: The Role of a Product Designer
4 min read

Transformation has to be driven by everybody, not just by climate groups, and we have a responsibility to use our influence to drive this.

Article by Katie O’ Connor
Share:Using UX Design to Build a Sustainable Future
5 min read

Great products aren’t magically conceived. They’re molded over time by observing and understanding people in order to identify core needs and thoughtfully solve for them.

Article by Meghan Wenzel
Share:Using Data to Build Better Products
5 min read

How can we best prepare our children for the future?

Article by Louis Byrd
Share:Teach beyond coding: How to better prepare our children for the future.
4 min read

Whether an incumbent or insurgent, it is valuable to consider the extent to which a bundle is at risk, ripe for disruption or viable to grow.

Article by Julian Connor
Share:To Bundle, or Not to Bundle: That Is the Question.
5 min read

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