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Read these first

Bluetooth enabled beacon technology is primed to go mainstream and completely change the way we think of designing experiences.

Article by Rit Mishra
Share:The Game-Changing Nature of Beacons
5 min read

How to successfully integrate mobile apps and emerging technologies into the offsite shopping experience.

Article by Elias Parker
Share:Four Mobile Design Tips for Brick-and-Mortar Retailers
9 min read

In the age of mobile, have we outgrown the metaphors skeuomorphic design uses to bridge digital and physical experiences?

Article by Jessica Holt-Carr
Share:Some Thoughts on Being Flat
3 min read

Randy Farmer, Brenda Laurel, and Christina Wodtke discuss the isolating elements of pervasive mobile technnology

Article by Mary Jean Babic
Share:QuickPanel: Digital Cocooning
7 min read

Calls to action need be clear and compelling to users.

Article by Tammy Guy
Share:Usability Tip: Help Your Users Act
2 min read

Successful websites in the age of mobile need to be fast loading, easy to navigate, and functional on multiple devices.

Article by Elias Parker
Share:Three Steps for Improving Mobile UX
4 min read

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