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Information Design and Architecture

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Slots and other electronic gambling machines often employ dark design patterns that encourage users to spend and play more without stopping or burning out.

Article by Marc Miquel
Share:Dark UX: The Elements of The Video Gambling Experience
6 min read

Designing with input from users is especially valuable when creating complex and critical products for patients and their doctors.

Article by Andrii Glushko
Share:Participatory Design in Healthcare: Patients and doctors can bridge critical information gaps
6 min read

An in-depth look at the field of user experience shows that despite some truly explosive growth, we’ve still got some maturing to do.

Article by Jonathan Anderson | UX Magazine, Didus
Share:Who Are We and What Are We Doing?
6 min read

As the book “Make It So” points out, Star Trek has influenced the course of interaction design and continues to push the boundaries of design imagination.

Article by Christopher Noessel, Nathan Shedroff, UX Magazine Staff
Share:Make It So: Five Lessons in Interaction Design from Star Trek
7 min read

Stripping away some of the mysticism and pretense surrounding user experience design.

Article by Joseph Dickerson
Share:The Greatest Secrets of UX Revealed!
6 min read

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