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Information Design and Architecture

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World Usability Day 2013 Bristol takes place on November 14 in the creative capital of England.

Article by World Usability Day
Share:World Usability Day Bristol 2013
1 min read

A closer look at the Design for Experience awards category: Cross-Platform Experience

Article by UX Magazine Staff, Design for Experience
Share:Design for Experience: Cross-Platform Experience
1 min read

A closer look at the Design for Experience awards category: Bringing Order to Big Data

Article by UX Magazine Staff, Design for Experience
Share:Design for Experience: Bringing Order to Big Data
2 min read

Embracing the messiness and complexity of the systems, users, and contexts we’re designing for can yield flexible future-proofed products.

Article by Steven Hoober
Share:Designing for Imperfection in Action
8 min read

Thoughtful inspection of qualitative and quantitative data allows UX professionals to glean genuine insight on user behavior from reams of big data.

Article by Michael Lai
Share:When Does Quantity Become Quality? How to navigate big data
6 min read

Our everyday encounters with with good and bad experiences can be leveraged as part of an ongoing UX education.

Article by Alessandro Fard
Share:The UX University of Life
4 min read

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