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For technology to truly improve education, design needs to be the centerpiece for innovation, making the value proposition a better experience.

Article by Jon Kolko
Share:Why Investment in Design is the Only Way to “Win” in Education
11 min read

Cycling on the busy streets of New York City led one experience designer to some helpful realizations about user needs.

Article by Andres Bohorquez
Share:Three Things I’ve Realized about UX While Riding My Bike to Work
4 min read

Animated user interface elements can increase your product’s usability, define its personality, and make it more fun to use, but they come at a significant cost.

Article by Elias Parker
Share:Making a Case for Animations and Interactivity
3 min read

Trust is the “good” in good experience design—are you making sure your product is trustworthy?

Article by Chad Vavra
Share:Trust in Experience Design
3 min read

In the wake of a new implementation of brain-computer interface headgear, we asked three UX Magazine contributors about the trajectory of wearable technology.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Wear Are We?
5 min read

Like every good homemaker, longtime cultivator of experiences Martha Stewart can teach UX practitioners a thing or two about keeping users coming back for more.

Article by Russell Blanchard
Share:What Experience Designers Can Learn from Martha Stewart
4 min read

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