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Many of the tools in your UX kit can be put to work in customer experience, which looks at how customers perceive every interaction with a company.

Article by Kerry Bodine
Share:A Deep Dive Into Customer Experience
6 min read

The user interfaces presented in science fiction can be a huge source of inspiration, but designing down is often required to make them an approximate reality.

Article by Dan Turner
Share:Designing Down from Science Fiction: A Staged Approach
9 min read

Designing for visceral reactions in your users can create experiences that deliver emotional satisfaction and drive habitual use.

Article by Chuck Longanecker, Morgan Brown
Share:How to Design for the Gut
6 min read

Stripping away some of the mysticism and pretense surrounding user experience design.

Article by Joseph Dickerson
Share:The Greatest Secrets of UX Revealed!
6 min read

The best responsive web designs show a rich understanding of what users are looking for and the right way to deliver it.

Article by Nick Switzer
Share:Create a Better Responsive User Experience
8 min read

Solid information strategy moves users over the learning curve and through a rewarding experience with your product or service.

Article by Linda Newman Lior
Share:Creating a Successful Information Experience for Your Users
6 min read

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