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A failure to account for UX results in an e-commerce being pulled offline shortly after launch.

Article by Pete Mackie
Share:Killed at Launch
4 min read

The author of the new O’Reilly book, Lean UX: Applying lean principles to improve user experience, shares his thoughts on outcomes, iterations, and more.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Talking Lean UX with Jeff Gothelf
4 min read

How the traits of persuasive technology can make learning Ruby more engaging for students.

Article by Anu Ramaswamy, Aakash Dharmadhikari
Share:Learning Programming by Persuasion
6 min read

How BSI ISO9001 certification refined design processes for a digital agency that already has multiple accreditations.

Article by Danny Bluestone
Share:Why Certify? Accreditation can add value to UX design
5 min read

To design a product that fits into the story of users’ lives, try looking at them as characters through the lens of a screenwriter.

Article by Sarah Doody
Share:A Matter of Character: Knowing your users and their stories
7 min read

Speech-recognition apps require specialized testing methods that can be applied to other interfaces as well.

Article by Stephen Keller
Share:Testing Dialog Design in a Speech Application
6 min read

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