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Designing large software products requires a living library of the project’s diverse elements and visual standards, enter the enterprise UI toolkit .

Article by Ariel Grace Snapp
Share:How to Create an Enterprise UI Toolkit
6 min read

An excerpt from Why We Fail, a new book from Rosenfeld Media, chronicles the design, limited release, and failure of Google Wave.

Article by Victor Lombardi
Share:Book Excerpt: Why We Fail
10 min read

There are steps you can take to ensure that the pressure to get a project completed quickly never leads to the sacrifice of user experience.

Article by Marcin Treder
Share:User Experience or Speed?
5 min read

When iOS stopped supporting Adobe Flash back in 2010, significant cross-platform audio and video rendering issues surfaced that remain with us today.

Article by Pete Mackie
Share:Many Forks in a New Road: The UX Hell of Cross-Platform Content Viewing
8 min read

That rare creature on the UX landscape with the glittering horn—the one who can design and program—don’t be one of those. Be a Pegasus instead, and fly above it all.

Article by Wayne Greenwood
Share:Unicorn, Shmunicorn: Be a Pegasus
4 min read

Avoid creating scuzzy user experiences by studying the oeuvre of Seth Rogen.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:Five User Experience Lessons from Seth Rogen
9 min read

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