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Artificial Intelligence

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Green Design Principles that every designer can use to combat climate change

Article by Rachel Romano, Jon Friedman
Digital = Physical
  • Recent Microsoft’s Green Design Principles can prevent us from fueling a climate crisis:
    • Get started backpack on digital sustainability — the climate crisis doesn’t happen in a vacuum, big change starts small, talking about climate can be hard, digital is physical
    • Think bigger before you start — challenge the status quo, put care first
    • Build better by default — optimize, transparent, adaptable
  • “The Cloud” doesn’t exist — every design has physical implications and this one is a massive warehouse causing the environment harm.
  • Well-intentioned designs often result in unintended consequences that’s why designers need better ways to visualize their impact.
  • Designers can train AI in order to preserve the planet by employing the energy-intensive cloud and the AI it enables to understand environmental impacts.
  • Some of the most engrained paradigms of the tech industry are the least sustainable and product makers need new ways of working.
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8 min read

Artificial intelligence (AI) could soon surpass human intelligence. Having both advantages and disadvantages, it still creates powerful opportunities and produces more accurate customer-behavior models.

Article by Sonia P.
Time to reflect on my future in the age of AI
  • Since AI-driven processes can create powerful opportunities to improve producing more accurate customer-behavior models, many traditional businesses will soon transform their core processes and business models to take advantage of ML.
  • Sonia P., People-Centric Design Enthusiast, brigs up such questions related to the role of AI in the future:
    • What’s exciting about AI?
    • What’s worrying?
    • How will we work with machines?
  • In order to make machines that behave better for humans is for UX designers to take all factors into considerations, bridge the gap and merge the knowledge from all sides to define the best solution.
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6 min read

Historically, the values of gender-caste-based minority have been systematically excluded from even being tallied, resulting in gender-biased or gender-invisible prior statistics.

Article by Paula Stenholm
AI is getting better and better — at being biased.
  • The values of gender-caste-based minority have been systematically excluded from even being tallied, resulting in gender-biased or gender-invisible prior statistics.
  • Data scientists have said that there are two main ways that AI perpetuates gender bias: one is caused by Algorithmic and design flaws and the other is the reinforcement of gender stereotypes through new digital products that project a technological gender.
  • Paula Stenholm, a user experience designer at Ellos Group, gives a lot of reasons why datasets are skewed:
    • Real world patterns of health inequality and discrimination
    • Discriminatory data
    • Application injustices
    • Biased AI design and deployment practices
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7 min read
Article by Ovetta Sampson
Design Principles for a New AI World
  • In the AI era, designers are taking on even larger responsibility.
  • It’s high time design stepped into the new era and a new framework that’s wider, more equitable, and pluralistic compared to what we’ve witnessed before.
  • In this article, Ovetta Sampson, Vice-President of Machine Learning Experience Design at Capital One, reworks the “10 Commandments of Good Design” to fit design going into an AI era.
    1. Good design solves hard problems.
    2. Good design promotes healthy relationships.
    3. Good design requires malleability.
    4. Good design makes companies understand and products that serve me.
    5. Good design acknowledges bias.
    6. Good design prevents dishonesty.
    7. Good design expects unintended consequences.
    8. Good design fosters equity .
    9. Good design considers its effect on a collective, connected eco-system.
    10. Good design brings purposefully order to chaos.
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8 min read

An expert’s view on the massive strategic opportunities and potential challenges of leveraging conversational AI solutions

Article by Jordan Ratner
The Disruption of Customer Experience: How Conversational AI is upping UX and CX standards
  • By transforming the way humans interact with technologies and making them more accessible to the public, conversational AI is raising the bar for customer experience.
  • One of the most tangible impacts of conversational AI has been on customer support and sales conversion. Thanks to the automation of conversations, the load on human staff is reduced, which leads to greater customer and employee experience.
  • As technological development advances, more opportunities to make good use of conversational AI will emerge. Nevertheless, it’s also necessary to not underestimate potential challenges related to legacy systems, data availability, shortage of conversational AI specialists.
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13 min read

AI can optimize pivotal moments of interaction with customers to create market-differentiating experiences.

Article by Jason Cottrell
At Your Service: How AI Will Reshape Customer Service
  • With the growing importance of post-transaction support and competition, AI-powered solutions have become the secret weapons that allow to elevate customer service and increase retention rates.
  • Customers expect enhanced support throughout their purchase journey.
  • AI tools allow increasing consumer comfort and satisfaction by speeding up response mechanisms, collecting relevant data, and supporting product search and discovery.
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5 min read

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