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Robb and Josh talk about the changing nature of experience design as conversational AI becomes a fundamental part of the technology we encounter on a daily basis.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Invisible Machines Podcast: AI Needs UX
1 min read

Robb and Josh talk with special guest Greg Vert of Deloitte about the difficult work of moving forward with hyperautomation in enterprise settings.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Invisible Machines Podcast: Greg Vert, Deloitte
1 min read

How adapting our products to different locations led to better business results and happier users.

Article by Rotem Maor
The Power of Localization in User Experience
  • In the article, the author describes how Wix, with over 238 million users, focuses on providing a localized experience for their non-English-speaking users.
  • Good localization builds trust with users, which benefits the business in the long run. The article demonstrates how Wix adapts to Japanese, French, Brazilian, and other cultures.
  • The author gives advice on how to promote localization in your own company:
    • Raise awareness of its importance and value.
    • Consider factors such as language, cultural sensitivity, currency, date formats, gender, and local etiquette.
    • Attribute resources to localization and involve them in the design process early on.
Share:The Power of Localization in User Experience
5 min read

Robb and Josh talk about the elevated levels of risk and experimentation required to move hyperautomation forward.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Invisible Machines Podcast: High Risk and Lots of Experimentation
1 min read

Navigating the ethical minefield of design by understanding the importance of responsible design practices.

Article by Nate Schloesser
Breaking the Code: The Consequences of Ignoring Ethics in Design
  • In the article, the author proves that designing digital products, services, and systems requires thoughtful consideration of social, ethical, and moral implications.
  • The following are some of the most important ethical issues in digital design:
    • Privacy;
    • Data protection;
    • Accessibility;
    • Fairness and non-discrimination;
    • Transparency;
    • Transparency in decision-making;
    • Responsible AI.
  • To ensure ethical design and development of digital technologies, the author suggests using the following practices:
    • Conducting user research and testing;
    • Incorporating diverse perspectives in the design process;
    • Clear and transparent communication with users;
    • Continual evaluation and improvement;
    • Consult with experts and follow the guidelines;
    • Adopt and follow a code of ethics.
Share:Breaking the Code: The Consequences of Ignoring Ethics in Design
9 min read

The authors of the Wall Street Journal bestselling business book, Age of Invisible Machines continue their conversation about conversational AI in a new podcast produced by UX Magazine.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:The Invisible Machines Podcast is Here!
2 min read

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