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Indeed’s global head of UX operations uses this superpower to help others do their best work.

Article by Michaela Hackner
Redefining Leadership Through Empathy
  • The author shares her story of how enbracing empathy instead of fighting against it helped her evolve into a stronger manager and leader.
  • The author unpacks the steps of how empathy helps shape Indeed’s operations strategy:
    • Understand where you’re at
    • Know where you’re going and how you get there
    • Invite more empathy in your work
    • Let empathy lead you
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10 min read
Redefining Leadership Through Empathy
Article by Jesse Weaver
To Keep a User, Sometimes You Have to Let Them Go
  • Assuming every problem is product-related drives a product-centric approach to fixing them but problems are more complex than simple fixes to content or features.
  • The author uncovers 2 ideas:
    • Not all cancels are created equal
    • Think: User-centered retention
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6 min read
To Keep a User, Sometimes You Have to Let Them Go

Becoming good when you’re interested in everything

Article by David Hoang
Mastery for Generalists
  • Generalists are people who love variety, connecting the dots, and curious. In contrast, specialists usually focus and go deeper on a certain practice.
  • In his article, the author identifies how to grow in your craft in a generalist role.
  • The author gives advice on how to become a better generalist:
    • Be an expert at learning
    • Understand every role
    • Build connective skills
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5 min read

This deployment guide places significant emphasis on the Intent-Driven Design and Intent-Driven Development of a chatbot. The starting point to creating a chatbot is knowing and understanding the customer’s intent in order to create a chatbot that is seamless, customer-centric and above all, trusted.

Article by Cobus Greyling
Analysis Of The Gartner Chatbot Deployment Guide
  • The Gartner Chatbot Deployment Guide provides practical insight into the state of play of chatbot implementations.
  • The author points out 10 key takeaways from the report in the article.
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3 min read
Analysis Of The Gartner Chatbot Deployment Guide

SAP Research Labs present the top trends and highlights for 2022

Article by Malini Leveque
Top 5 Trends in User Research & Insights
  • The author presents the top trends and highlights by SAP Research Labs for 2022:
    • Remote user research is the new form
    • Accessibility, diversity and inclusion are becoming more mainstream
    • The demand for measurement and evidence-based product experience strategy continues to grow
    • Exponential growth in experience data is driving demand and investment in data science and machine learning at cloud speed
    • User research is the new culture of learning, practiced by all
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5 min read

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