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Research Tools and Software

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Users assess the perceived cognitive load of engaging with your product or service based on environmental cues they might not even be aware of—design accordingly.

Article by Liraz Margalit
Share:The Environmental Cues that Affect our Online Decisions
6 min read

We talk with Greg Nudelman, CEO of Design Caffeine, mobile strategist, and author of The $1 Prototype.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:In Conversation with Greg Nudelman
1 min read

Giving users content tailored to their interests, needs, and location is the key to making the most of mobile technology.

Article by Alon Even
Share:Personalization: The Pillar of the Mobile User Experience
5 min read

Want to give users an on-demand service they keep coming back to? Make sure to know your product, educate your users, and build trust.

Article by Jared Lewandowski
Share:Turning On-Demand Services into Products Users Want
4 min read

Here they are! The winners of the 2014 international Design for Experience awards.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Announcing Winners in the 2014 Design for Experience Awards
10 min read

The difference between creating good experiences and amazing experiences often comes down to how thoughtful we can remain during the design process.

Article by Jake Lee Haugen
Share:Becoming a More Thoughtful User Experience Designer
8 min read

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