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Product design

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Users are accustomed to great experience design in consumer apps, and you can up productivity and improve bottom lines by giving them similar experiences at work.

Article by Nathan Graves
Share:Let’s Bridge the Gap Between Enterprise And Consumer Apps
3 min read

Design for Experience award winner Lookback proves that giving UX practitioners rewarding experiences can be a recipe for success.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Designers Should Give Themselves Better Experiences
4 min read

A look back at CES 2015 reveals a more connected future filled with bold possibilities and potential pitfalls.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:Are We the “Things” in the Internet of Things?
4 min read

The DoGo map is a lightweight, scalable information architecture tool that provides a high-level understanding of the information architecture of a site.

Article by Rob Keefer
Share:Adapting Information Architecture for Lean and Agile Environments with DoGo Mapping
7 min read

Prototypes are powerful tools for explaining design decisions to clients and can communicate ideas more effectively that documentation.

Article by Ian Schoen
Share:How Prototyping is Replacing Documentation
3 min read

An adapted excerpt form “Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products” explores strategies for designing technology users will find addictive.

Article by Nir Eyal
Share:How to Manufacture Desire
7 min read

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